View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009895ardourfeaturespublic2025-02-21 21:53
Reporterflorianb Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformPC x64OSSlackware64 15.0OS Version6.7.8-preempt
Product Version8.11 
Summary0009895: Please add OSC control of MIDI Input Enable/Disable (green button on top of tracks in mixer)
DescriptionTitle says it all, there is no way to externally control that little green button.

Why is that so important?
Because without this, if you have a setup where your MIDI it sent to all instruments and you want to then control with some custom surface or scripts which instrument you play at any point in time there are only 3 possibilities:
1. Filter the MIDI channels, but there are only 16 and it's a bit complicated to quick change all this filtering via scripts.
2. Mute/Solo the tracks. But the MIDI data is still sent to the plugins. Some of my plugins take over 30GB of ram, imagine sending to all of them at once, only to mute that afterwards.
3. Some OSC/UDP thing that would save me so I could have my custom-built control surface let me chose which instrument(s) I want play and some scripts of mine automatically figure out which tracks to set as Enable/Disable on their MIDI input.
TagsMidi, osc



2025-02-20 22:10


Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-02-20 22:10 florianb New Issue
2025-02-20 22:10 florianb File Added: Screenshot_20250220_140935-ardour-midi-button.png
2025-02-21 21:53 florianb Tag Attached: Midi
2025-02-21 21:53 florianb Tag Attached: osc