View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0008031ardourbugspublic2020-04-23 14:50
ReporterMisterBenjamin Assigned Topaul  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status closedResolutionfixed 
PlatformSome Other LinuxOSSome Other LinuxOS Versionunknown
Product VersionMixbus 6.x 
Summary0008031: Shuttle and shuttle with shortcuts degraded
DescriptionIn Mixbus 5 I could either use shortcuts Shift+Left and Shift+Right or Numpad 1 and Numpad 2 to shuttle. Pressing one of them multiple times would increment shuttle speed. I could hear undistorted audio in forward and reverse shuttle modes.

In Mixbus 6 using Shift+Left and Shift+Right doesn't support increments and only 100 and 150% shuttle speed is supported. Using Numpad 1 and 2 jumps to +-400% on first press and to +-150% on second press. Also, when in forward shuttle mode, audio is distorted and in reverse shuttle mode audio is muted.
TagsNo tags attached.



2020-04-20 10:34

reporter   ~0023825

Forgot to mention: Product Version is Mixbus 32C 6.0


2020-04-20 23:22

administrator   ~0023834

Fixed in ardour/master codebase, commit 75397e6cdb

Fixes will likely show up in the next Mixbus release/hotfix.

Feedback appreciated.


2020-04-21 16:09

reporter   ~0023844

Thanks, I didn't expect a fix so fast. I checked out master today in order to verify. The behavior almost meets my expectation.

When using Shift+Left/Right everything works as expected.

When using Numpad 1/2, it is a bit inconsistent. E.g. when transport is not rolling and you press Numpad 2, you get the (probably) expected behavior (option 1 aka. ForwardFast). But when transport is rolling and you press Numpad 2, you get the same behavior like with Shift+Left/Right (option 0 aka. Forward). When you then press Numpad 1 while shuttling forward, the behavior changes to RewindFast and not Rewind...

After looking at the code, it is my understanding, that in function transport_ffwd_rewind(int option, int dir), the option is only interpreted, when the direction changes. Thus, when we are rolling (e.g. at speed +1) and then engage fast forward, the option is not honored and the multiplier 1.5 is applied. Option 0 aka. Forward behaves consistent when we are starting from speed 0 and 1, because its starting speed is 1 and not 4.

A quick consistency fix for Numpad Shuttle Control would be, to have the same behavior like Shift+Left/Right (Use Forward/Rewind initially instead of ForwardFast/ForwardRewind):
 gtk2_ardour/ | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/gtk2_ardour/ b/gtk2_ardour/
index 26113f6ffa..2499258414 100644
--- a/gtk2_ardour/
+++ b/gtk2_ardour/
@@ -325,8 +325,8 @@ ARDOUR_UI::transport_numpad_event (int num)
        } else {
                switch (num) {
                        case 0: toggle_roll(false, false); break;
- case 1: transport_rewind(1); break;
- case 2: transport_forward(1); break;
+ case 1: transport_rewind(0); break;
+ case 2: transport_forward(0); break;
                        case 3: transport_record(true); break;
                        case 4: toggle_session_auto_loop(); break;
                        case 5: transport_record(false); toggle_session_auto_loop(); break;

I don't know how you guys see this. If this quick fix breaks expected behavior for others, or if you consider the subtleties of the shuttle control as a an unimportant detail...


2020-04-22 09:39

reporter   ~0023852

After sleeping a night, I created a PR on github which imo fixes the issue without changing the forward/rewind option for the Numpad shortcuts:


2020-04-23 14:31

administrator   ~0023877

please close if fixed to your satisfaction.


2020-04-23 14:50

reporter   ~0023878


Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2020-04-20 10:26 MisterBenjamin New Issue
2020-04-20 10:34 MisterBenjamin Note Added: 0023825
2020-04-20 22:41 paul Assigned To => paul
2020-04-20 23:22 paul Status new => feedback
2020-04-20 23:22 paul Note Added: 0023834
2020-04-21 16:09 MisterBenjamin Note Added: 0023844
2020-04-21 16:09 MisterBenjamin Status feedback => assigned
2020-04-22 09:39 MisterBenjamin Note Added: 0023852
2020-04-23 14:31 paul Status assigned => resolved
2020-04-23 14:31 paul Resolution open => fixed
2020-04-23 14:31 paul Note Added: 0023877
2020-04-23 14:50 MisterBenjamin Status resolved => closed
2020-04-23 14:50 MisterBenjamin Note Added: 0023878