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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009908ardourfeaturespublic2025-03-18 23:17
Reportersound8 Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0009908: Allow keyboard navigation in sidebar
DescriptionI had mentioned in the past that to me it seems like more attention should be given to applying focus / use of keyboard shortcuts within specific windows / components throughout Ardour. To me can be a little distracting / dangerous to be applying / trying hotkeys in dialogs and things like sidebar and have actions happening in the background.
This suggestion is kind of an extension on this principle.
I know that something like this can be difficult especially in an application such as Ardour, but if it could be achieved, I think it would be worth considering.

Suggesting to add the ability to allow sidebar to have focus and also by doing so allow keyboard navigation to be able to be used.
Best example would be in Sidebar - Clips tab when using "AutoPlay" set to "on"

As far as I know users can only test audio files / midi files by clicking on each item one at a time by click mouse over and over.
To me this is not that efficient and can be fatiguing.
Seems like this could benefit from being able to allow focus and be able to use keyboard keys.
Up and down arrows for example would be a lot more efficient to testing out many audio/midi files.
Steps To ReproduceHere is a general list of commonly used hotkeys for sidebars / explorers.

Up/Down Arrows = navigate up/down
Right Arrow = expand folder if cursor is on folder
Right Arrow = play item again from beginning if on audio file / midi file
Left Arrow = collapse expanded folder
Left Arrow = if folder is already collapsed then navigate cursor to next parent folder
Page Up/Down = page up/down
Home = cursor to top of list
End = cursor to bottom of list
Enter = on folder, enter that folder
Enter = on audio file / midi file probably play item again from beginning

These are the basic common items, would have to make decision if want to allow some of the following, which could be beneficial as well
F2 (not sure what hotkey to use) = rename folder/file
Delete = delete folder (maybe not) / file

I think that is all I will share about this for now.
Hopefully something like this will be considered.
Thank you to anyone who reads this.
TagsCLIPS, hotkeys, shortcuts, sidebar


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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-03-18 23:17 sound8 New Issue
2025-03-18 23:17 sound8 Tag Attached: CLIPS
2025-03-18 23:17 sound8 Tag Attached: hotkeys
2025-03-18 23:17 sound8 Tag Attached: shortcuts
2025-03-18 23:17 sound8 Tag Attached: sidebar