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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0007361ardourbugspublic2017-05-19 15:19
Reporterndac_todoroki Assigned To 
Status feedbackResolutionopen 
PlatformLinuxOSUbuntuOS Version17.04
Product Version5.8 
Summary0007361: Undo immediately after stop recording removes different region
DescriptionWhen recording, when you stop recording and pressing undo right after that, it doesn't undo the recording but the something you did before will be undo-ed. For example, if you do this:

Record 1 -> Record 2 -> Undo

Record 1 will be gone, and right after that Record 2 will be submitted, so you cannot Redo to get Record 1 back.

I think this happen because it doesn't shut other process from interrupting while submitting records (after stop recording).
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2017-05-17 23:17

developer   ~0019719

I can't reproduce this issue with 5.8 or 5.9.

If you can still reproduce with 5.9 can you list the specific steps to trigger the problem. Thanks.


2017-05-19 15:19

reporter   ~0019725

Another user here. I can't reproduce this with Ardour 5.9 64 bit Linux and short recordings. However there was a previously fixed bug that sounds quite like this one:

Maybe this still happens with long recordings or in a case where the disk is slow. Maybe this opens up a window of opportunity for the bug 6540 to appear.

Can you please describe your system in more detail and the circumstances leading to the error. How many tracks are you recording, is the target a magnetic disk, bit depth and format of the audio, the processor of your machine.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2017-05-16 13:51 ndac_todoroki New Issue
2017-05-17 23:17 timbyr Note Added: 0019719
2017-05-17 23:17 timbyr Status new => feedback
2017-05-19 15:19 mhartzel Note Added: 0019725